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CH340 Windows Driver Download and Installation Guide

CH340 IC is a low cost USB to TTL converter IC. CH340g IC is used in low cost SMD Arduino UNOArduino Nano boards. Many USB to Serial converter IC’s are available in the market but this is a low cost IC that is gaining popularity. USB to TTL converter modules are also available based on this IC. Even Node MCU IOT modules also have this IC.

You can download the Drivers for CH340g from below 

Download CH340g Driver for windows 7, 8 and windows 10

I have personally tested the above CH340 driver on windows 7 and it worked with the Arduino Nano, Node MCU and Arduino UNO clones.

Step By Step Installation of CH340g Drivers

Initially connect your hardware having CH340 USB to Serial IC to your PC. In the device manager it will show “USB2.0-Serial” (as shown in below figure) which means your ch340 driver has not been installed.



Now extract the CH340g drivers in a folder and in that you will find folder named “CH341SER” in which there will be a “setup” application file as shown below.

Open the setup file and a “Driver Setup” option will open. Just click on the install file.



This installation takes some time. In my laptop it took 1 minute so just have patience. Once installed it will show driver successfully installed. Now go again back to device manager and there you will see that the driver has been successfully been installed and a com port has been allotted. In below image you can see that “com19” has been allotted for ch340g IC in my laptop


Drivers for the ch340 IC has now been installed successfully. I have tested this drivers and installation process in Windows XPwindows 7. Will test is soon on Windows 8 & windows 10.

You can see in above image that Port Number 19 has been allocated to this IC. If you want you can even change the virtual com port number from Device Manager.

For MAC users you can check CH340 Installation Guide for MAC users

Written by Amol Shah

Amol Shah

Founder of DNA Technology an Electronic Engineer by choice. Started working on this website as an Hobby and now its a full time venture. Very passionate about Electronics and like to learn new stuff. Want to make DNA Technology one of the best Online Store for Electronics Components in India.
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